Johnson Street Bridge
About The Project
Annual maintenance and review.
Cleaning was conducted using methods that didn’t damage the bridge paint coatings, lights, sensors, and other electrical/mechanical components. Power washing setup: low-pressure water jet cleaning method, maximum pressure of 3000psi, minimum standoff distance of 250mm, utilize zero degrees rotating nozzle. Tatras Group de-chlorinated the water in the truck tank prior to use.
Access and approach: Horizontal tension lines and aid climbing techniques will be used for an approach to achieve the minimum standoff distance of 250mm. Approach via rope access IRATA certified technicians only.
Remote water supply tank provided.
Pdf photo visual inspection report.
Traffic control personnel and signage on-site during the operations.
Work methods exceeding provincial safety regulations.
JHA and Methodology Statement.
Project Details
May 2020
Johnson Street Bridge, Victoria